Civics from the Heart – Then and Now

We face deep division in the U.S. about how to be a citizen. Core democratic values are being fought over. In the midst of heartbreak, chaos and fear over the threat to democracy in the U.S., the imperative to improve civics education cries for attention. We want to tell our story to inspire this generation … read more


Listen to the Rhythm

In my favorite scene from the movie, Strictly Ballroom, the grandmother, master of flamenco, places her hand on the heart of the young ballroom dancer as he begins to dance the paso doble.  The elder instructs him, “listen to the rhythm, don’t be scared.” Like the young dancer yearning to dance new steps, we, the … read more


If We Can Imagine…

The work begins. January 6, 2021 and its aftermath is a vivid demonstration of the threat to foundational principles of democracy in the United States. The reality of this threat feels too frightening to believe. We can respond by turning attention elsewhere, re-posting well-researched articles about democracy’s demise, donating to favorite candidates, talking with friends … read more


Remember and Imagine

  September 11, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of 911. For over a week, U. S. media has overflowed with remembrances of the events of 911. Where were we? What happened to the families who lost loved ones?  How did people react? What feelings were aroused? What did we learn as a nation?  What changed? … read more


Sweet Land of Liberty To Thee We Sing

This 4th of July, I’m struck by the words…”sweet land of liberty to thee we sing”, adapted from the popular patriotic song “America, My Country Tis of Thee”, written by Samuel Francis Smith in 1831. On April 5, 1939, Marian Anderson opened her historic concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. with this song.  … read more

A child holds a sign saying, "This is what democracy looks like" and a banner says, "The more friends the better!"

Where Does Democracy Come From?

When the WHAT and the WHO of democracy break our hearts and seem to be twisted beyond recognition and repair, we must ask a new question, WHERE does democracy come from? I accompanied my grandsons to a community Martin Luther King rally a few years ago.  The five year old carried a sign that said, … read more


Prairie Joy

Prairie comes from the French word, “prere” meaning grasslands. Prairyerth is an old geologic term that refers to prairie soil found where the forested land ended and the Great Plains began in North America. To me, prairyerth is poetry and prayer – conveying a transcendent reality that wants to be experienced, felt, loved and wildly … read more


Time of the Great Turning

In his book, The Living Universe, Duane Elgin researched the question, “how do the spiritual traditions of the world regard the universe?” He discovered that at their depth there is a common understanding. Islam says that, “each moment is an occasion for Allah to create the universe.” The Gospel of Thomas proclaims, “the kingdom of … read more


A Society of Kings

A greater democracy emerges when people in unlimited numbers become leaders, cross borders, and cooperate with each other. Now is the time to nurture, as Lawrence Hillman suggests, a “society of kings.” This means reliance on and confidence in ordinary people who by the thousands and millions, are taking “kingly leadership” and cooperating together for … read more


My First Date with Spiritual Democracy

You might say that the book, A Greater Democracy Day by Day, was my “first date” with spiritual democracy. Even though we (me and this amazing idea) had been mutually attracted for many years, doing that book was the first time we stepped out together to begin to bridge two seemingly disparate worlds. We agreed … read more